The 7 NLP Techniques That Will Change How You Communicate in The Future (Part II)

The 7 NLP Techniques That Will Change How You Communicate in The Future (Part II)

From machine translation that connects humans across cultures, to conversational chatbots that help with customer service; from sentiment analysis that deeply understands a human’s mood, to attention mechanisms that can mimic our visual attention, the field of NLP is too expansive to cover completely, so I’d encourage you to explore it further, whether through online courses, blog tutorials, or research papers.

The 7 NLP Techniques That Will Change How You Communicate in The Future (Part I)

The 7 NLP Techniques That Will Change How You Communicate in The Future (Part I)

NLP is certainly one of the most important technologies of the information age. Understanding complex language utterances is also a crucial part of artificial intelligence. Fully understanding and representing the meaning of language is an extremely difficult goal. Why? Because the human language is quite special.

The 5 Machine Learning Use Cases that Optimize Your Airbnb Travel Experience

The 5 Machine Learning Use Cases that Optimize Your Airbnb Travel Experience

Wondering how Airbnb sorts and delivers its listings when you search for a place to stay on your next getaway? Check out 5 important use cases of machine learning that are currently being deployed by Airbnb’s engineers and data scientists to solve this problem.

The 5 Computer Vision Techniques That Will Change How You See The World

The 5 Computer Vision Techniques That Will Change How You See The World

Computer Vision is one of the hottest research fields within Deep Learning at the moment. It sits at the intersection of many academic subjects, such as Computer Science (Graphics, Algorithms, Theory, Systems, Architecture), Mathematics (Information Retrieval, Machine Learning), Engineering (Robotics, Speech, NLP, Image Processing), Physics (Optics), Biology (Neuroscience), and Psychology (Cognitive Science).

The 5 Deep Learning Frameworks Every Serious Machine Learner Should Be Familiar With

The 5 Deep Learning Frameworks Every Serious Machine Learner Should Be Familiar With

In this post, I want to introduce to you the 5 frameworks that are the workhorses of deep learning development. They make it easier for data scientists and engineers to build deep learning solutions for complex problems and perform tasks of greater sophistication.

15 Systems Thinking Guidelines to Live in a World of Uncertainty

15 Systems Thinking Guidelines to Live in a World of Uncertainty

Systems thinking is a way of seeing the world as a series of interconnected and interdependent systems rather than lots of independent parts. As a thinking tool, it seeks to oppose the reductionist view — the idea that a system can be understood by the sum of its isolated parts — and replace it with expansionism, the view that everything is part of a larger whole and that the connections between all elements are critical.

70 Pieces of Wisdom for Smart and Driven College Graduates to Enter the "Real World"

70 Pieces of Wisdom for Smart and Driven College Graduates to Enter the "Real World"

I just spent the past month finishing “Tribe of Mentors”, the latest book by the legendary Tim Ferriss. It is packed with wisdom and tools that will change your life. The book contains more than 100+ interviews with people around the world. I made my notes, did some highlights and will be referring back to it on the need per basis. After all, I learned this trick from Tim himself.

Snapchat's Filters: How computer vision recognizes your face

Snapchat's Filters: How computer vision recognizes your face

In those moments of boredom when you're playing with Snapchat's filters - sticking your tongue out, ghoulifying your features, and working out how to get the flower crown to fit exactly on your head - surely you've had a moment where you've wondered what's going on, on a technical level - how Snapchat manages to match your face to the animations?

16 Useful Advice for Aspiring Data Scientists

16 Useful Advice for Aspiring Data Scientists

Data Scientists at Work displays how some of the world’s top data scientists work across a dizzyingly wide variety of industries and applications — each leveraging her own blend of domain expertise, statistics, and computer science to create tremendous value and impact.

12 Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning

12 Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms can figure out how to perform important tasks by generalizing from examples. This is often feasible and cost-effective where manual programming is not. As more data becomes available, more ambitious problems can be tackled. As a result, machine learning is widely used in computer sincere and other fields. However, developing successful machine learning applications requires a substantial amount of “black art” that is hard to find in textbooks.