During undergraduate, I have wrote research papers and done semester-long projects in a variety of disciplines including computer science, communication, psychology, political science, and statistics. Below are selected papers I am proud of.
Affordances in human-computer interaction design
Environmental Psychology, Spring 2017
PageRank – The Elite Algorithm
Google and Global Politics, Spring 2017
Data Structures C++ Portfolio
Algorithms & Data Structures, Spring 2017
Website Analysis of 2016 Presidential Campaigns
Presidential Communication, Fall 2016
Baseball Home-run Statistical Analysis
Applied Statistics, Fall 2016
The Implications of Technological Advancement in Soccer
Sporting Rhetoric, Fall 2016
Innovation in Design Thinking
Design Thinking, Spring 2016
The Emotional Foundations of Opinion Polarization
Analyzing Politics, Spring 2015
Uber - Changing The Way The World Moves
Exploring Rhetorical Texts, Fall 2016