
What I Learned From Attending REWORK MLOps and ML Fairness Summits

What I Learned From Attending REWORK MLOps and ML Fairness Summits

Last month, I attended two great summits organized by REWORK: The MLOps summit that discovers how to optimize the ML lifecycle & streamline ML pipeline for better production and the ML Fairness summit that discovers strategies to ensure ML models are accountable & fair to build secure & responsible AI. As a previous attendee of REWORK’s in-person summit, I have always enjoyed the unique mix of academia and industry, enabling attendees to meet with AI pioneers at the forefront of research and explore real-world case studies to discover the business value of AI.

In this long-form blog recap, I will dissect content from the talks that I found most useful from attending the summit. The post consists of 10 talks that range from automated data labeling and pipeline optimization, to model fairness and responsible AI at scale.

What I Learned From Attending Scale Transform 2021

What I Learned From Attending Scale Transform 2021

A few weeks ago, I attended Transform, Scale AI’s first-ever conference that brought together an all-star line-up of the leading AI researchers and practitioners. The conference featured 19 sessions discussing the latest research breakthroughs and real-world impact across industries.

In this long-form blog recap, I will dissect content from the session talks that I found most useful from attending the conference. These talks cover everything from the future of ML frameworks and the importance of a data-centric mindset to AI applications at companies like Facebook and DoorDash. To be honest, the conference's quality was so amazing, and it’s hard to choose the talks to recap.