Computer Science

The 5 Fundamental Running Times in Computer Science

The 5 Fundamental Running Times in Computer Science

As you see, you should make a habit of thinking about the time complexity of algorithms as you design them. Asymptotic analysis is a powerful tool, but use it wisely. Sometimes optimizing runtime may negatively impact readability or coding time. Whether you like it or not, an effective engineer knows how to strike the right balance between runtime, space, implementation time, maintainability, and readability.

The 5 Deep Learning Frameworks Every Serious Machine Learner Should Be Familiar With

The 5 Deep Learning Frameworks Every Serious Machine Learner Should Be Familiar With

In this post, I want to introduce to you the 5 frameworks that are the workhorses of deep learning development. They make it easier for data scientists and engineers to build deep learning solutions for complex problems and perform tasks of greater sophistication.

12 Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning

12 Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms can figure out how to perform important tasks by generalizing from examples. This is often feasible and cost-effective where manual programming is not. As more data becomes available, more ambitious problems can be tackled. As a result, machine learning is widely used in computer sincere and other fields. However, developing successful machine learning applications requires a substantial amount of “black art” that is hard to find in textbooks.

The 10 Operating System Concepts Software Developers Need to Remember

The 10 Operating System Concepts Software Developers Need to Remember

Do you speak binary? Can you comprehend machine code? If I gave you a sheet full of 1s and 0s could you tell me what it means/does? Your operating system functions as that translator in your PC. It converts those 1s and 0s, yes/no, on/off values into a readable language that you will understand.

If curious, check out this long post I wrote on the 10 most important concepts about Operating System. You'll understand how your computer works in a much more detailed way.

The 4-Layer Internet Model Network Engineers Need to Know

The 4-Layer Internet Model Network Engineers Need to Know

Network engineers are responsible for implementing, maintaining, supporting, developing and, in some cases, designing communication networks within an organization or between organizations. Their goal is to ensure the integrity of high availability network infrastructure to provide maximum performance for their users. Having a fundamental understanding of concepts such as TCP/IP is absolutely required if you want to become one.

The 10 Algorithms Machine Learning Engineers Need to Know

The 10 Algorithms Machine Learning Engineers Need to Know

It is no doubt that the sub-field of machine learning / artificial intelligence has increasingly gained more popularity in the past couple of years. As Big Data is the hottest trend in the tech industry at the moment, machine learning is incredibly powerful to make predictions or calculated suggestions based on large amounts of data.

Top 10 Liberal Arts Skills You Need to Succeed in Tech

Top 10 Liberal Arts Skills You Need to Succeed in Tech

The future will be shaped by people who can embrace rapid change, thrive in diverse environments, and creatively problem solve as part of their everyday lives. Liberal arts skills — the ability to communicate, persevere, embrace ambiguity, work in diverse teams, and frame questions in ways that allow us to see vexing problems in new, solvable ways — are more important than ever given current global directions and trends. Being a Denison alumni makes me a better tech entrepreneur and, more crucially, makes me believe that I can make a difference in the world.