
Datacast Episode 112: Distributed Systems Research, The Philosophy of Computational Complexity, and Modern Streaming Database with Arjun Narayan

Datacast Episode 112: Distributed Systems Research, The Philosophy of Computational Complexity, and Modern Streaming Database with Arjun Narayan

Arjun Narayan is the co-founder and CEO of Materialize. Materialize is a streaming database for real-time applications and analytics, built on top of a next-generation stream processor – Timely Dataflow. He was previously an engineer at Cockroach Labs and held a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania.

Datacast Episode 42: Privacy-Preserving NLP with Patricia Thaine

Datacast Episode 42: Privacy-Preserving NLP with Patricia Thaine

Patricia Thaine is a Computer Science Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Toronto and a Postgraduate Affiliate at the Vector Institute researching privacy-preserving natural language processing, with a focus on applied cryptography. Her research interests also include computational methods for lost language decipherment.

She is the Co-Founder and CEO of Private AI, a Toronto- and Berlin-based startup creating a suite of privacy tools that make it easy to comply with data protection regulations, mitigate cybersecurity threats, and maintain customer trust.

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