Bayesian Statistics

Datacast Episode 92: Analytics Engineering, Locally Optimistic, and Marketing-Mix Modeling with Michael Kaminsky

Datacast Episode 92: Analytics Engineering, Locally Optimistic, and Marketing-Mix Modeling with Michael Kaminsky

Michael Kaminsky is the co-founder of Recast, a marketing optimization platform, and the co-founder of Analytics Engineers Club, a training course for data analysts looking to improve their engineering skills. He is passionate about helping organizations “make better decisions faster.” He has experience applying econometric research methods to environmental economics, child welfare policy, and medical treatment efficacy. He studies Spanish, reads, and pets dogs around Mexico City in his spare time.

Datacast Episode 16: Bayesian Probabilistic Programming with Peadar Coyle

Datacast Episode 16: Bayesian Probabilistic Programming with Peadar Coyle

Peadar Coyle is a Data Scientist and Engineer based in London. He regularly speaks at conferences and has written a book consisting of numerous interviews with Data Scientists throughout the world. He is also a passionate Open-Source evangelist, himself a supporter who has contributed to PyMC3. Most recently, he founded a stealth startup that is working on hyper-personalized audio.