Data Scientist

14 Golden Nuggets to Demystify Data Science for Aspiring Data Scientists

14 Golden Nuggets to Demystify Data Science for Aspiring Data Scientists

These talks cover a wide range of topics: from showcasing your work to connecting with data leaders, from telling a persuasive data story to debugging myths in data science. I took some detailed notes of all the talks and decided to use this post to share the main takeaways.

25 Critical Insights From Experienced Data Scientists in The Data Science Handbook

25 Critical Insights From Experienced Data Scientists in The Data Science Handbook

I would highly recommend you to read The Data Science Handbook. The data scientists in the book have helped create the very industry that is now having such a tremendous impact on the world. They discuss the mindset that allowed them to create this industry, address misconceptions about the field, share stories of specific challenges and victories, and talk about what they look for when building their teams.

How to Think Like a Data Scientist in 12 Steps

How to Think Like a Data Scientist in 12 Steps

At the moment, data scientists are getting a lot of attention, and as a result, books about data science are proliferating. While searching for good books about the space, it seems to me that the majority of them focus more on the tools and techniques rather than the nuanced problem-solving nature of the data science process. That is until I encountered Brian Godsey’s “Think Like a Data Scientist.”